ProxE is a free way to search the web, unblocked and safe, by whatisup Studio. It first started on August 18, 2023 under the name “Screw Securly” It had links to stolen website source code including YouTube,, Roblox, and Twitter. But 2 days later Jack had found out about iframes and found out he could use a proxy in the iframe to safely surf the web. He spun a wheel to decide the new name. The two name canidates were Block Block iFrame and ProxE. ProxE had won 2 of 3 spins and it was named as so. Fast forward to January 11, 2024, about 5 months after ProxE’s release, ProxE v2 was released, which is where we are now. We went from one little project to a whole production in just 5 months.